Troy Boone at WorkWhile the world we know seems to be on hold, Stuart Perry continues to plan for a brighter future. Along with designated staff, he is attending to the maintenance and construction that is taking place for both the new classroom building and Rudy’s Happy Patch Market.

As for the latter, Stuart says, “We hope for another banner season for Rudy’s Happy Patch Market. We are trying to encourage others to do what is suggested for personal health. Still, we must get the market in readiness for the upcoming season.”

Troy Boone, an associate at Perry Wellness Center, is tackling several projects to maintain and improve the campus. As Jeff Williams continues to create new market displays, Troy follows his route, covering new and existing wood with a fresh coat of paint.

“We are all involved in preparing our campus to be ready for the new inventory and making the place shiny and welcoming,” says Troy with a smile.

In the photo above, Troy Boon applies a second coat of paint to a plant display pavilion on the grounds of Perry Wellness Center.

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