Safety FirstThese days, “Safety first” should be a motto for all businesses and organizations. At Perry Wellness Center a focus on accessibility and health guided construction of the new classroom building, while one impact of the covid pandemic has been an increased emphasis on safety precautions.


Individuals with disabilities and older peers have found that mobility limitations have been lessened, for example. Design modifications have created greater ease of movement.


PWC founder and CEO Stuart Perry explains, “We are increasingly aware of the mobility limitations of some of our peers and staff. In the new building, door widths were designed for wheelchair accessibility and placement of adequate hand rails in our restrooms. We want to prevent falls and keep all safe.”


In addition, hand washing signage has been placed in every restroom on campus. They serve as a reminder of the new public health protocols.


In the photo above, a cheerful "Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands" restroom sign reminds peers and staff of a serious health precaution, while grab bars protect against falls.

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