The scent of warmer months is in the air, along with the colorful sights of blooming plants on the campus of Perry Wellness Center. One of the favorite spots to stop and pause for PWC founder and CEO Stuart Perry is under the wonderfully scented bower of confederate jasmine. Butterflies lazily float from bloom to bloom on the ramp stroll between the main campus and Rudy’s Happy Patch Market, and the air is filled with the perfumed scent of the delicate flowers.
“I cannot believe how pleasant this walk under the jasmine really is,” Stuart enthuses. “The smell gives visitors the assurance of a positive future and return to routine. I invite readers to come down six days a week to make this walk – and shop with us.” Nature appreciation and salesmanship – that is the spirit of Stuart during spring/summer market season!
In the photo above, overhanging confederate jasmine frames the ramp walk, while the colorful fire pit in the background harkens back to cooler days.