Mexican PetuniaFor individuals who enjoy making flower arrangements, Perry Wellness Center staff member Mulkey McMichael has a recommendation: the Mexican petunia.

“We have many customers who get the plant and use it in their flower arrangements,” Mulkey notes. “It is a hardy plant and will last for hours in a floral arrangement.”

The striking flower debuted at Rudy’s Happy Patch Market in a bold purple color, but it quickly sold out. A check of local vendors found that new purple Mexican petunias were difficult to locate. Now the plant is available in a lavender/pink variety.

“I planted several of these plants in my home garden,” Mulkey says. “I do flower arrangements for my church, and the purple flower and tall stem make a statement. The purple is also a color of the Christian calendar. It works well in my arrangements.”

Now that new plants are in the market inventory, Mulkey plans to purchase several more.

In the photo above, the Mexican petunia shows off its attention-grabbing color in a display at Rudy’s Happy Patch Market.

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