Plant TeamworkIn addition to formal peer group sessions at Perry Wellness Center, staff and peers often work together to identify needs, solve problems, and share learning. One example is the partnership between market staffer Jamie Minich and peer Boone. Jamie is the resident authority on plant identification at Rudy’s Happy Patch Market, and Boone is always willing to pitch in to help Jamie around the market.

When spare time is available, Jamie uses it to improve plant displays and groupings around the market and she often relies on Boone’s assistance. She explains, “I know it may be better to have plants spread on different locations at our market. I try and make the best collection of plant color and appearance. Boone is a great help, and he is learning much about plant maintenance and grouping.”

In the photo above, Jamie and Boone work together on an unseasonably warm Monday morning to improve the pansy table display for customers shopping at Happy Patch.

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