With the cold snaps recently surging through Southwest Georgia, it is no wonder that people are searching for signs of the coming spring. At Rudy’s Happy Patch Market, the staff of Perry Wellness Center forecasts spring with the recent appearance of asparagus ferns.
Says market team member Jamie Minich, “Stuart has ordered a selection of ferns: Asparagus, the Macho fern with the larger leaves and the ever-popular Kimberly and Boston varieties.”
The aforementioned Stuart Perry, founder and CEO of PWC, weighs in: “We take a chance each year with the purchase and display of fern hanging baskets. We sell them to customers who are ready to welcome the spring and warmer weather.”
Stuart concludes, “We hope that customers will get excited and pick a favorite fern for the season.”
At the entrance to Rudy’s Happy Patch Market, green asparagus ferns welcome customers with the promise of spring.