More Mum InfoYes, we’re obsessed with our chrysanthemums! And you would be, too, if you had as many as we do on your premises in the middle of an early cold snap. The thermometer is not in camera view in this photo, but adjacent to our “It's Fall, Y'all” sign is a progressive thermometer, recording the early chill of the open market at Rudy’s Happy Patch Market. We hope it serves as a reminder to our customers to take good care of their plants in this cooler weather.

“I think that the early fall taught more vendors than me of the protection of fall flowers,” says Perry Wellness Center founder and CEO Stuart Perry. “I did know that chrysanthemums were hearty and could handle some chill, but the overnight move to the market pavilion was good. They are crowded there, but the colorful mass display looks good.” He added with a grin, “I hope that it will lure more customers to select these special fall plants.”

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