Giant elephant earsFor all who enter the doors of Perry Wellness Center, the massive leaves of giant elephant ears plants provide a unique greeting. One was planted when it only had one or two leaves, but it soon burst forth with many impressive ones.

PWC founder and CEO Stuart Perry has some thoughts about what these plants symbolize: “I think that the elephant ears are like the staff and clients at Perry Wellness Center. We try to be ‘all ears’ to community needs. We cannot take care of all needs, but we do try to encourage all our staff and peer clients to offer positive information and encouragement to our community contacts.”

Alocasias and colocasias plants, better known as elephant ears, are tropical plants with huge heart-shaped leaves that can measure up to two feet across. Their colors range from lime green to almost black. Many gardeners combine elephant ears with summer bulbs and flowering annuals, but they can also take solo focus in a garden or large pot. 

In the photo above, a variety of elephant ears voice an ‘all ears’ welcome to Perry Wellness Center.

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