Classroom building wreathsRecently we told our readers about a favorite holiday recycling tip – using the trimmed boughs from live Christmas trees to create fresh wreathes. We thought we’d share an example of the finished product – two recently hung wreathes that welcome visitors through the doors of the “old classroom building” at Perry Wellness Center. This building housed our original offices and still receives much foot traffic.

We love the simplicity of these large wreaths, but individuals can apply the ornaments, berry swags, etc., of their choice, if they prefer.  What a photo can’t capture is the wonderful scent of Frazier fir.

PWC founder and director Stuart Perry is pleased with the wreath inventory. He says, “We offer Christmas trees, poinsettias, and fresh Christmas wreaths. I think the handmade wreaths may be our best seller. The creations are peer made, and that makes them even more special.” Ever the salesman, he adds,” We can make a wreath for anyone in any size.” A little added Christmas spirit is free.

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