This year’s Fall Spirit Week continues apace. On Tuesday, Crazy Hat Day was a great success, followed by Wednesday’s Wacky Tacky Day.
In preparing for this year’s celebration at Perry Wellness Center, Amanda Perry and her planning team tried to come up with some unique outlets for creative expression for both peers and staff. One idea evolved into a new Crazy Hat Day. The day’s theme for this Tuesday: “Hats Off to Perry Wellness Center.”
Peers were provided with materials and time for personal hat creations, but several peers and staff arrived on campus with surprise creations that they had designed and made at home.
“I know that we have many creative peers and staff,” Amanda explains. “I tried to propose something different, and the hat design project turned out well.”
One enterprising peer, Rhonda Hubbard, designed a hat that reflected her love of card playing, as shown in the photo, right.
“I hope I won with my card hat,” Rhonda says. “I like to play cards and love to challenge other peers. I made my hat to let people know that I am the Card Player!” The winners in the hat contest will be announced later this week.
According to the dictionary, the word “tacky” characterizes a lack of good breeding, good taste, or style. But at Perry Wellness Center, “tacky” is a symbol of creativity, spirit, lack of self-consciousness, and individualism – especially on the annual Wacky Tacky Day!
The Spirit Week planning group agreed to revisit Wacky Tacky Day this year. The theme would be demonstrated through peers and staff finding the most ridiculous, repulsive, humorous – and yes, downright tacky outfits that they could put together for the day.
People didn’t have to look for to discover good costume elements. Mixing patterns and styles from different outfits was all it took to do the trick for many. Colorful makeup added zest to the ensembles of many of the ladies. All in all, 68 peers and 25 staff members participated in the day, as seen in the above photo. A vote was taken on the tackiest dressers of they day, and the winners will be announced soon.
Today is Twin Day, and it promises to be another day of fierce and fun competition! We’ll keep you posted.