Thanksgiving lunch 2016The holidays are a busy time at Perry Wellness Center, as we realized once again when we posted our calendar of events for the remainder of this year.

“We want to get our schedule planned and posted early in the season,” explains Stuart Perry. “Many of our staff and peers are so busy with travel, family, and friends, but it is important for us to celebrate as our Perry Wellness Center family.”

The first event to kick off the Thanksgiving and Christmas season was the annual peer Thanksgiving luncheon. Garden-grown collards, ham, dressing, peas, cranberry sauce, and large slices of pumpkin and pecan pie filled plates. For one meal, diets were forgotten.

“I know there are some of our staff and peers who are involved in weight loss and meal management with our WHAM program,” Stuart acknowledged. “I try to turn my head and not be hard on food servings during the holidays.”

Also on the holiday agenda are the downtown Christmas parade, a staff fish fry, the Americus Civitan annual Christmas party, the Cheer Up the Blues open house, a staff Christmas party, peer Christmas party, and other smaller group celebrations.

As our readers can probably tell, we’ve got the holiday spirit at Perry Wellness Center!

If in the photo above, peers and staff enjoy a delicious lunch as they kick off the holiday season.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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