Perry Wellness Center is a great place to work or learn, but it’s not all about team sports, gardening, or discussion groups. Paperwork is the engine that drives much of the business side of our program, and the pace has recently picked up even more with the notification of a pending state services audit.
The state of Georgia mandates very specific documentation of peer services in programs such as hours, and we are currently double-checking our files to make sure everything is in place. Volunteers with an eye for accuracy have been put to work, including our favorite volunteer – Mrs. Mickey Keene, mother of our own Pam Perry. “MeMa,” as she is affectionately called, is now at home in the busy record room.
“It is always good to have a member of our family to volunteer to come and help,” said daughter Pam Perry. “My mother is a stickler for accuracy, and we got her to help with part of our internal audit.”
Thanks to MeMa for helping out in a pinch!
In the photo above, Mrs. Mickey “MeMa” Keene is greeted by Annie Ruth Thomas as she begins her day at Perry Wellness Center.