We’ve shared with our readers the results of our most recent state audit, including scores and peer comments. The results were a source of pride, including the fact that Perry Wellness Center achieved an overall score of 98%, compared to the state average of 84%.
The next step for staff was gathering together to share appreciation for the fine showing, as well as to plan for future efforts. Pam Perry led the discussion, which included highlighting of the audit results in several Focused Outcomes Areas:
Whole Health – 100%
Safety – 100%
Person Centered Practices – 98%
Community – 100%
Choice – 100%
Rights – 99%
Next, Amanda Perry shared her appreciation for the efforts of the group in the areas of Mental Health Peer Support – Group, Mental Health Peer Support – Individual, and Peer Support – Mental Health and Wellness. She noted, “There are in compliance with Service Guideline scores. We received 100% for all of these important areas. Thank you all!”
After listening to comments from his wife and daughter, PWC founder and CEO offered his own remarks:
“You are all great! This year, we have moved to another notch of goodness in Georgia. Now, people are inquiring and coming from throughout Georgia to see how good we are. You are the leaders in this report. I want to increase communication between all of you as we discover issues that might affect our peer population. Enjoy these numbers, but we need even more communication with me, with Pam and Amanda, and between each of you.”
During the meeting, much of the staff dialogue focused on suggestions for future improvements. High evaluation scores can’t allow a program to rest on its laurels or become complacent, so new milestone and strategies must be constantly set for the future. So with doses of praise and appreciation, the staff of Perry Wellness Center celebrated its successes and looked toward an even more productive future.
In the photo above, Lillian Mitchell and Chloe Millsap, B.S., CPS-WH enjoy early morning dialogue before continuing their work at Perry Wellness Center.