During the winter months, peers and staff of Perry Wellness Center are particularly grateful for one construction project of resident artist Jeff Williams. Two years ago, Jeff designed and supervised construction of a “warming station” near the campus game gazebo. The rustic fire pit provides welcome warmth during chilly moments outdoors, whether for exercise, chores, or going back and forth from the market.
Only a few peers are authorized to fire-up the fire pit. Each must follow standard fire precautions on burning materials and beginning a fire. Perry Wellness Center founder and CEO Stuart Perry explains, “We are aware of the dangers of fire and want to be sure that only those who have heard the presentation on fire safety or allowed to begin the blaze.” The precautions followed are those used by the Georgia Forestry Commission.
“When people call the 800 number to get a permit to begin a fire on their own property, they are reminded of what can be burned,” Stuart continued. “This same information is strictly enforced at Perry Wellness Center.”
In the above photo, Jerome “Peanut” Smith uses the remaining tree trimmings from the 2017 Christmas Tree Wonderland market to stoke the campus warming station, creating a warm – and fragrant – blaze.