Perry Wellness Center peer Kaylon Holt continues to maintain the individual record for pop top donations to the Ronald McDonald House in Columbus, Georgia. Currently, his record exceeds 1,250,000, and he is about to add to this record when he makes another trip to the Columbus headquarters in the near future. (You can read more about Kaylon Holt’s fund-raising project in our Peer Postings archives.)
Kaylon’s efforts are supported by peers and staff of Perry Wellness Center. Around campus, most peers retain the aluminum tab when they “pop the top” and save it for Kaylon. On one recent day, we caught Vicki Lamica, pictured above, enjoying a moment of refreshment in the campus park. She held her soft drink in one hand and the pop top in the other.
Perry Wellness Center founder and CEO Stuart Perry says, “This collection of pop tops by Kaylon has been good for him, for the Ronald McDonald House, and for Perry Wellness Center, as it has helped to increase awareness of the program. It has been a win/win for us all.”