Worm bedsOur readers know that we grow vegetable beds on the campus of Perry Wellness Center. But what if we told you we are now growing worm beds?


No, it’s not a fishing project -- the worm beds will actually benefit the vegetable beds, by providing more aerated soil. Several weeks ago, Randi Duncan suggested an interesting solution to create more fertile, less hard-packed soil in the raised planting beds that peers cultivate.


“We have too many local planting beds that have soil that is packed and does not have all the components that we need for maximum vegetable and plant production,” Randi explains. “Also, the soil with our growing partner, St. John’s Anglican Church, is not good. I have researched and begun worm beds that produce the small critters that will help us. Worms actually aerate and fertilize the soil with their natural fertilizer.”


Also on the agenda for spring growing are newly created planting bins for herb gardens. Randi has assumed planning duties for the management and betterment of all vegetable growth on the PWC campus, and her creative process is hard at work.


PWC founder and CEO Stuart Perry notes, “When we have too many worms, we will also let our peers gather these worms to use when they go on day-long fishing trips. These worms are helpful, and I appreciate Randy designing and creating this resource.”


In the photo above, Randy Duncan removes worms from the still-frigid soil for temporary relocation to a warmer space in her office.

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