Daylight Float

As we reported on Friday, Perry Wellness Center once again won first place for its float entry at the 2019 downtown Americus Christmas parade. This accomplishment represents the fourth straight year that PWC has placed first in the float division of the parade. It was also the first year for the center to receive the Best Community Spirit Award.

Amanda Perry on FloatThe overall project was overseen by assistant deputy director Amanda Perry, who says, “I wanted to share the excitement of the Christmas season with others.”

Much thought and preparation went into this year’s float, starting with its theme: Mickey’s Magic Christmas. The theme honored the belief that it “makes no difference who you are; dreams come true.”

After much brainstorming this summer and fall, actual float construction began by early November. A secret construction site was selected, adjacent to Perry Wellness Center. Float construction was led by artist and designer Jeff Williams, with assistance from many staff and peers. Each day brought new constructive ideas and improvements to the project.

Jeff explains, “The theme development takes weeks. With suggestions by Amanda and other staff and peers, the completed design is exciting. The construction is detailed, but the pleasure it brings to so many is worth the weeks of effort.”

Jeff Williams FloatThe completed float was “rolled out” to the oohs and ahhs of peers and staff upon its completion. However, its most vocal audience was the child-filled crowd lining the parade streets last Thursday night. The children were delighted by the appearance of their favorite Disney characters. The float, escort vehicles, and brightly gift-costumed PWC representatives made for a colorful and truly magical sight.

Sweat shirts in six different colors were presented to peers and staff members for the parade. Amanda explains, “This was a gift to our peers and staff to show that we are united at Perry Wellness Center. It was fun to see the characters and peers in their decorated gift boxes!”

After picking up the center’s trophies only last week, Amanda Perry has already begun having ideas for the Perry Wellness Center 2020 parade float. But for now, everyone will take a moment to bask in the satisfaction of a task well done and to plan for the best Christmas ever!Nighttime Float

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