Market Cooler RepairWeeks of closing at Rudy’s Happy Patch Market seem to have thrown a few wrenches into our coolers and production devices. Early on Monday morning, a call was made to our favorite mechanical wizard, Dale Davis, who replaced a defective cooler thermostat and saved the day.

Many readers will be familiar with Dale, as he worked with local Parker’s Heating and Air for over 41 years. Even after his retirement, he has continued to assist former and new customers with all their relevant repairs.


“When I retired, Stuart Perry contacted me to be sure that I would continue to help him with all of his heating and air needs and market problems,” Dale explains. “I want to help Stuart keep everyone comfortable and his vegetables at the protective point in his market coolers. I have helped Stuart for over five years.”


Thanks, Dale, for your continued assistance! 


In the photo above, Dale Davis wears his protective mask as he completes a repair to a market cooler.

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