Greenhouse Pressure WashWith the increased awareness of the dangers of COVID-19, the suggested protocol for avoiding spread of the disease is being followed closely by Perry Wellness Center and Rudy’s Happy Patch Market. This include an increased emphasis on environmental cleanliness in all facilities, as well as mask wearing, social distancing, and handwashing.

PWC founder and CEO Stuart Perry ensures that all safety practices are followed, as he knows that the health of peers, staff, and visitors may depend upon it.

“It is very important that we use this pandemic as a teaching tool with our peers,” Stuart explains. “Every time they come in, are in groups, or talk to a CPS or staff member, they are reminded about the need to wear masks, thoroughly wash their hands, and practice social distancing. It is sometimes hard to do, but we are doing our best to remind our peer students.”

Keeping the environment clean is also promoted, so staff and peers make sure that surfaces are wiped down regularly. Even the greenhouses are kept neat and clean. In the above photo, peer Kevin Mullins demonstrates with a greenhouse pressure-washing.

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