Spring market changesOn the morning of Rudy’s Happy Patch Market’s recent Spring opening, staff and management gathered together to “get on the same page” about operational and customer service changes going into effect. Kelly Jansen, serving as current staff leadership for the market, convened the group.

“We must talk now about changes we have for this market,” Kelly announced. “The virus has made things a bit different.”

Kelly reviewed changes and updates, such as wearing masks and gloves whenever customers are in the market. He also discussed improvements to communication and service: “We are implementing an upgrade for communication in the market. We want to assist each customer and keep them and us safe.”

Some new and upcoming changes include:

    • Walkie-talkies for improved communication across the market and campus;
    • Name tags for all plants, grouping of like plants together, and development of a location map to assist customers as they browse;
    • Greenhouse signage;
    • Customer walking/shopping trails.

Kelly explained, “Some of our changes have been needed for years, but in our reopening of the market, it is time for these changes to begin. All of the market staff has talked, and any ideas are discussed. We are currently short on staff, and we want it to be a good shopping experience for our customers.”

Despite the normal problems on an opening day, Kelly later reported that the market had taken in over $650 for the day, and all customers left with a smile and assurance of their return.

In the photo above, Amber Cagle, Mickie Wiggins, Jamie Minich, Kelly Jansen, and Arthur Pillow meet for the first of many team discussions about new operations at Rudy’s Happy Patch Market.

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