Amanda Pet PlanningWe’ve all heard people refer to their pets as members of the family. But when you hear a member of Stuart Perry’s family say this, you can take it literally.

“I guess we have had too many loving and friendly pets,” Stuart explains. “All the pets that have lived at our houses with a family member, soon become part of the family. They enjoy the same concern and love that we have for our human family.”

Case in point: on her arrival at work this Monday morning, daughter and PWC employee Amanda transported her dog bed and other pet gear in order for her “child,” Fisher, to attend classes at Perry Wellness Center. Fisher’s normal Monday caretaker had personal plans, so Amanda quickly regrouped and transported all of the needed tools for Fisher’s day with “Mom.”

In the photo above, Amanda Perry Campbell moves family member Fisher’s gear to allow for a pleasant change of location for the beloved pet. (We’re sorry that Fisher wasn’t there for the photo, but we assure our readers that Fisher is a beautiful spaniel and, yes, a very good boy!)

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