Since joining the staff at Perry Wellness Center, Gale Owen has fit in well with staff and peers. She retired from her previous employment at Macon County State Prison as a pharmacy technician after the closing of the pharmacy department. Now she shares her thoughts about the wellness and recovery center that is her new employment base.
"I really appreciate my work at Perry Wellness Center,” she says. “It is fun to discover our peer population in person and through note writing. I suppose my 15 years as a Pharmacy Technician at the prison gave me background for this job. We must bring what we have learned to any new role.”
She continues,” We all need to be aware of the life experiences of our peers. We must realize that our contacts change each day, as the people we meet have been exposed to a different group of people. I am aware of change in life and in our role at Perry Wellness Center. I look forward to meeting new peers.”
Outside of work, Miss Gale enjoys time with her family. The youthful-looking lady shares with pride that she has been married for 49 years. She also has three grown children – two sons and a daughter. The oldest is 48 years old.
In the photo above, Gale Owen works in the front office at Perry Wellness Center, as she checks to ensure that all paperwork is signed.