Eggplant harvestWe have a new seasonal motto at Perry Wellness Center: “Personal Planting Pride.” It is one that reflects our commitment to the horticultural program for our peers. As we described earlier this week, the raised garden beds on campus are producing well, and peers are even more excited at harvest than they are at planting!

While early summer harvests are still being processed, planning has already begun for selection and growth of the next season’s crops. Given warmer temperatures, the possibility of year-round planting is under discussion.

The types of vegetables being planted range from the ever-popular tomato to the less expected purple eggplant. Peer Laurie Slaton has raised a crop of the latter, but doesn’t plant to stop there. “I am excited about my work,” Laurie relates, “And I plan to plant tomatoes and cucumbers next year.”

“This learning program has been a win-win for Perry Wellness Center,” market manager Phyllis Smith enthuses. “Everyone enjoys seeing the ‘fruits of their labors,’ and it is especially exciting when our recovery peers smile at the harvest of their plantings.”

We’re reminded of the Biblical statement that as we sow, so shall we reap. The peers at Perry Wellness Center are learning that the planning and “sweat equity” they provide results in delicious produce they can share with loved ones or sell at the market.

In the above photo, Laurie Slaton shares the “fruit” of her spring eggplant bed.

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