Plant RotationWhile many of the peers at Perry Wellness Center have been taught gardening techniques as part of their learning experience, one peer in particular has demonstrated a green thumb for all things plant-related. Connie Rutherford is a frequent sight around the market, greenhouses, and garden areas of the campus. She seems to anticipate a plant’s needs, and as the season moves toward cooler weather, she has shifted into preparation gear.

“It is about time for me to start my cutting for other fall plants,” Connie explains. She is the lead plant propagator and makes sure that the greenhouses always contain newly growing plants. Right now, Connie is also hard at work on getting more mature plants ready for moving to one of the greenhouses. This task includes cleaning plant debris.

In addition, Connie ensures that plants are shifted year-round in the market. “I want to help rotate plants in the market that our customers may have not found,” she says.

Stuart Perry explains the need for this activity: “It is important that our customers see all of the plant and shrub offerings that we have at Happy Patch Market.” He appreciates Connie’s talent and dedication.

Changing Season“Connie has been with us for several years,” Stuart notes. “The late Manson Marquette (a noted horticulturalist) was kind to come and help Connie, but she is most self-taught in plant care and propagation. I appreciate her activity.”                                     

In the first photo above, Connie Rutherford moves a wagon filled with Abelia plants to another more prominent spot in the market’s lower greenhouse. In the second photo, she carefully cleans palm fronds before moving a plant for inventory control.

Thanks, Connie, for all your hard work!

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