As a former star football player at Southland Academy and scholarship player at Troy State University, Perry Wellness Center founder and CEO Stuart Perry finds that the coaching method of leadership is a natural fit. Watching him interact with peers or staff, one can quickly see that he uses encouragement and direct communication with all.
“All of us like communication and competitive encouragement,” Stuart explains. “Whether it be team competition or personal challenges, spectators should offer encouragement to competitors.”
Much exercise and team sports play takes place in the wellness program, and Stuart is often spotted at a portable platform, encouraging his team to victory. On a recent day at the center, an early morning group warmed up from the cold temperatures with jumping jacks, knee bends, and other exercises designed to loosen cold, tightened muscles. “Coach” Perry stood in the center of the group, calling encouragement to all.
We all need a coach sometimes, whether a sports coach or a life coach. Every day, Stuart Perry demonstrates that he manages both roles well.