Spring Welcome Sign“Come See Our Flowers,” a colorful sign beckons at the entrance to Rudy’s Happy Patch Market. It reminds passers-by that the market on the campus of Perry Wellness Center is open for business. But an even better reminder may be the sight of all the spring flowers lining pathways.

“The color and variety at Happy Patch is a great greeting each day I come to work,” says Perry Wellness Center founder and CEO Stuart Perry. “I am pleased with our inventory and looks forward to another record year.” He is happy to report that the ever-popular red Knock Out rose is in stock, along with Julia Child, Popcorn, and Drift rose bushes. 

Market manager Kelly Jansen stays busy seek out all customer requests. “We want to please all of our customers,” Kelly states. “We want them to say good things about us and come back to visit.”

Kelly, looks like you’re off to a good start!
Spring Rose Bushes

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