Sarah Shorter fernsDuring the first week of August, purchasing house plants might be a low priority for some shoppers. But not for loyal Rudy’s Happy Patch Market customer Sarah Shorter. On the first day of fall discounts, this avid plant person visited Happy Patch to purchase two oversized asparagus ferns. Along with the ferns, she selected several pounds of locally grown tomatoes and a bloom-filled hanging basket.

“I like to come by and support Happy Patch Market and Perry Wellness Center,” she explained. “I hope the weather will be better this fall, and I can enjoy my three baskets.”

She added with a smile, “I will have me a tomato sandwich for lunch.” Don’t forget: lots of pepper and Dukes’ mayo!

In the photo above, Sarah Shorter shows off the huge asparagus plants she purchased at Rudy’s Happy Patch Market.

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