As the summer growing season slows in Southwest Georgia, a large selection of plant inventory remains at Rudy’s Happy Patch Market. The market has been a favorite outreach project for Perry Wellness Center founder and CEO Stuart Perry, who watches over market business with a paternal eye.
“We have been bold and offered five varieties of ferns at Happy Patch,” Stuart says, as an example of how the market stretches itself. “The last variety to flourish is the Amazon leaf fern. This is a spectacular variety of plant, and the waxen broad leaf makes a statement wherever it appears. We have some customers who enjoy their plants in their personal greenhouses and wait for the next season to get the first jump on the large-leafed fern.”
In Greenhouse #5, on the northern end of the market, is a display space filled with remaining ferns, including the impressive Amazon fern inventory. Stuart notes, “Our greenhouse staff has done a great job of keeping our greenhouse and outside plants watered and maintained.”