Individuals at Perry Wellness Center appreciate love, understanding, and acceptance. The same could be said of each of us. However, PWC founder and director Stuart Perry knows the magic that animals bring to fulfill those needs in humans and how need to experience those same qualities in their own lives.
“My family are animal lovers, and we welcome all peers and pets to enjoy the love and safety enjoyed by those at the center,” Stuart says, as he fondly casts a glance at a beautiful kitten. “I think this cat, Jasmine, has found both love and food in our north classroom building!”
After only one week on campus, Jasmine appears to have bonded with a new peer “dad.” Says Eric Monts, the cat’s chosen human, “I am happy to share the love and friendship that Jasmine has brought to me. We are trying to keep our new mascot happy and well fed. We leave her here with her litter box and know that she is happy and safe. It will be hard to allow adoption of our newest mascot. I love that cat.”
Whatever the future holds, for now, Jasmine and her self-appointed caregiver are clearly enjoying their new bond.