Greenhouse 5Earlier this week, we extended our thanks to all our faithful customers over the days leading up to Mother’s Day. On the Monday following Mother’s Day, customers were back at the market to purchase additional plants like those that had already made a hit with gift recipients.

Whatever the reason, we are delighted. In addition to providing additional income to fund services for individuals with mental illness and substance abuse problems, the strong community participation in our largely peer-operated market helps reduce stigma and promote community integration.

On a more practical note, the unprecedented Mother’s Day sales at the market created empty space at an ideal time. Additional inventory rotation and relocation created one empty greenhouse – No. 5 -- and it will be cleaned and prepared for re-stocking in time for our fall market campaign.

“It has been hot, but our customers have been generous as they discovered our prices and product inventory,” says Perry Wellness Center founder and CEO Stuart Perry. “Our Mother’s Day inventory was the biggest it has been in years. I wanted to provide our new and repeat customers with a selection they have rarely seen in this part of Southwest Georgia.”

In the photo below, a rare sight is pictured – a greenhouse empty of its former stock of ferns and geraniums.

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